Umland, PharmD, FNAP
Thomas Jefferson University; Thomas Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education; Thomas Jefferson College of Pharmacy
Elena M. Umland, PharmD, FNAP is Associate Provost for Interprofessional Practice and Education and Co-Director of the Jefferson Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (JCIPE) at Thomas Jefferson University (TJU). She is also the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Professor of Pharmacy Practice at the Jefferson College of Pharmacy. Within JCIPE, Dr. Umland’s primary roles are the continued oversight of existing and developing interprofessional initiatives within TJU and moving Jefferson into the National and International arenas. Her scholarly activity has focused on IPE via collaboration with both pharmacy and non-pharmacy colleagues around the country and within TJU.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description:
Rigorous evaluations of interprofessional education (IPE) initiatives across the learning continuum are needed. The recently published Guidance on Developing Quality Interprofessional Education for the Health Professions endorses the requirement for a “coordinated strategy for assessing learners on their development and mastery of interprofessional collaborative competencies”. It also notes that it is “critical to monitor and evaluate the process of IPE plan implementation”. However, consistent models or strategies for assessing the collective impact of IPE programs…
Per the recently released guidance on quality IPE, learners should be assessed “on their development and mastery of interprofessional collaborative practice [CP] competencies,” including demonstration of CP skills in training and practice as observed by instructors. The Jefferson Teamwork Observation Guide(R) (JTOG(R)) is a real-time, 360-degree competency-based assessment evaluating collaboration by teams and individuals in both educational and practice settings. Data are collected via four versions of the tool that correspond to the perspectives of patients, caregivers, team members and…