Garcia Hansen
Area Health Education Center for Western Washington
Cori Garcia Hansen is committed to creating innovative allied health and health education programs that address disparities in health care and social determinants of health. She has a demonstrated diverse work background working in rural communities, immigration law, agriculture, primary care, and behavioral health, with experience with Department of Labor and Workforce Education Grants in various allied health programs. She brings to Area Health Education Center projects a background teaching and developing curriculum in sustainable development, student success, professionalism, electronic medical records, medical assisting, and inter-disciplinary and integrated teams in health care, in addition to experience working in clinics and health centers.
With the community at the core of program development, she has a history of working with community organizations to provide training, fundraising, and services. She volunteers with the Bellingham Food Bank Garden Project and Victory Garden programs and is a board member for the Montessori Peace Centers, a non-profit school and daycare in Bellingham, WA.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Nationally, Community and Technical College health workforce programs produce a wide variety of health professionals who are essential to patient care and team functioning. This Conversation Café will dive into the key role these programs play in the systems of preparing our health professionals.
How engaged are our large academic institutions with their local community colleges?
What resources are in place to provide support to building the partnerships across the academic community?
What models are in place that support IPEC curriculum and program development for community…
This interactive session includes a panel of speakers covering emerging state and national initiatives, projects, data, and the partnerships forming to achieve practice transformation. The presenters will highlight the work of Healthier Washington and specifically share the work of the practice transformation efforts of a regional accountable community of health. Facilitators will engage the audience in a discussion regarding the community, regional and statewide activities impacting health workforce and the efforts to align with the priorities of industry and community.
Participants will…