Lightning Talk

Unlocking the Patient Experience: The Patient as Part of the Team

Tuesday, August 20, 2019, 11:30 am - 12:30 pm
Greenway B Room
Theme: Integrating Patients and Families in Interprofessional Practice and Education

Healthcare is a complex and dynamic industry. It is often disjointed and fragmented as care is provided in a siloed manner. At the center of the healthcare industry, patients and their families often find the healthcare system difficult to navigate in order to effectively manage their own care.

Healthcare providers can partner with patients and their families to coordinate care, collaborate on treatment plans and ultimately improve the outcomes for patients and their families. This phenomenon, known as team-based care, enables healthcare providers to come together and partner with patients to bridge this gap in the healthcare system and optimize the delivery of care for their patients and families.

However, patients and their families are often placed in the center of the healthcare team but not necessarily as an active team member. Recent evidence suggests that patients are more satisfied with their care when they are engaged as part of the healthcare team.

This talk highlights emerging theoretical models that incorporate the patient and their families as part of the team in order to improve engagement and overall patient outcomes. It will also focus on research that could be performed to study the impact of healthcare teams on the patient experience and overall patient engagement.