Innovation in Clinical Team Training: Using Novel Distance Technology to Support Healthcare Teams Caring for Vulnerable Populations
Monday, August 19, 2019, 10:15 am - 11:15 am
Greenway C Room
Theme: Aligning Education and Practice for Workforce Transformation and Health System Change
Improving teamwork in busy practice teams calls for new training approaches. Our goal was to learn content and delivery preferences firsthand from primary care teams and co-create a training prototype to meet their needs. In interviews and focus groups, members of primary care teams identified learning priorities in the areas of patient engagement, teamwork and team wellbeing. Their preferred format was short, engaging, and immediately actionable. This workshop describes the co-creation, pilot testing and evaluation of a novel digital magazine approach to support teams and provide a training tool for healthcare teams at the front lines of patient care. Participants will have the opportunity to preview the magazine and propose new training strategies.
Learner Outcomes:
At the end of this workshop, the participant will be able to:
1) Identify clinical priorities for team-based education and the strengths and drawbacks of available training strategies and platforms.
2) Describe a multi-stage approach for co-creating clinical teamwork training materials between healthcare teams and educators.
3) Use practice-based criteria to evaluate a new digital magazine training program.
4) Propose ideas to advance new training approaches to improve teamwork in clinical settings.