Lightning Talk

Implementing Interprofessional Learning in Practice Hot Spots

Monday, August 19, 2019, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Greenway I Room
Theme: Optimizing the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment

Using the Kotter Model for Change as our framework, we will present our University of Kansas Medical Center case study. We implemented interprofessional learning in practice hot spots in 8 clinics/hospitals over three years by creating partnerships with a variety of local and state community-based practice partners. Through this process we have had varying successes and failures that will be highlighted as lessons learned.

Pulling together interprofessional health professions learners in the same locale requires concerted effort amongst the academic institution and clinical partners. Scheduling is a significant challenge that can be overcome. The aim is to provide interprofessional learning opportunities for students through various activities facilitated by a team of interprofessional preceptors that is a value-added to the clinical site resulting in a better patient health care experience.

With an individualized approach, the resulting interprofessional learning opportunities were diverse in the “product” produced, but overwhelmingly lead to rich student learning experiences in which they could see the benefit and value of a team approach to patient care. The participating preceptors had positive feedback, found benefit in teaching interprofessionally, and received professional development around ‘teaming’ skills they could use to enhance their practice and patient care.

Lessons learned from the process included: adequate time is needed for site buy-in and development of preceptors, the power of identifying and empowering institutional/site change agents, the necessity of an individualized approach using the clinical site’s resources, identifying ways to be of value and addressing barriers, need for clearly defined expectations for both preceptors and students, need for student and preceptor training, and the value of debriefing. Challenges that arise continue to by systematically addressed in routine group meetings. Front end effort pays off in positive outcomes and good lessons learned. It is a learning process that continues to cycle and grow.