Kilroy, RN, MSN
University of Illinois at Chicago
Susan Kilroy, RN MSN, is faculty and the Director of the Clinical Learning Resource Center at the University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC), which includes running the tutor center and the simulation lab at the College of Nursing. Sue has over 20 years of clinical experience, working as an intensive care neonatal nurse and nurse educator, at various Children’s Hospitals throughout the country. Sue has a background in developing educational programs while working with interprofessional teams including; developing and implementing hospital wide mock code programs and assisting in the development of an Interprofessional Foundations course at UIC.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Max 30 participants
Learner Outcomes:
This workshop is firmly anchored in the Nexus 2019 conference theme “Quality Interprofessional Education and Accreditation.” After participating in this workshop, participants will develop new knowledge and skills to help their home institutions, design innovative, high-quality foundational interprofessional educational curriculum. Specifically, participants will be able to:
1. Determine appropriate tools for student assessment;
2. Judge effective strategies for collaborating with clinical practice settings;
3. Design curriculum that meets the best…