The Physician Alliance
Nicole is a registered nurse, the Clinical Program Manager at The Physician Alliance and Lead Clinical Consultant at Ethica Holdings in southeastern Michigan. In her role, she works with physician practices to educate them on quality improvement, billing and coding, reducing readmissions, and CMS Quality Payment Program. She holds certifications in forensic nursing, medical investigation, and is a Diplomat of the American Board of Forensic Nurses. Nicole has a strong passion for educating others in the medical field.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Re-admissions continue to plague our healthcare systems, and confusing discharge processes can be a factor in unintentional errors and increased ED/hospital utilization. To address these issues, I-MPACT, a Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan collaborative quality initiative, assembles hospitals and physician organizations to work as local “clusters” with patient participants to develop viable interventions. To aid in forming these new cross-institutional and interdisciplinary teams for quality improvement, I-MPACT provides experiential education through an interactive board game called "Get Me…