Wamsley, MD
University of California San Francisco
Maria Wamsley is a general internist and a Professor of Medicine at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF). She is the Director for the UCSF Program for Interprofessional Practice and Education which is charged with the development and oversight of interprofessional curricula for learners in the Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy and the Physical Therapy program at UCSF; fostering faculty and staff to lead, teach, and develop interprofessional practice and education; and collaborating with other institutions on research in interprofessional practice and education.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description:
The goal to prepare healthcare professionals to communicate and collaborate effectively across professions is widely endorsed, but achieving this goal in real time in the clinical learning environment requires educators who can skillfully coach communication and collaboration on the fly, including addressing challenging issues such as group dynamics, hierarchy, and mutual respect. This workshop will provide participants with strategies and skills to identify and capitalize on interprofessional (IP) teachable moments across clinical, simulated and/or classroom settings.…
While interprofessional education (IPE) traditionally focuses on the interactions of students of different professions and is often based in the classroom or simulated settings, embedding students in interprofessional (IP) teams of practicing professionals in clinical settings may also provide rich opportunities for both formal and informal IP learning.
In the UCSF Clinical Microsystems Clerkship, groups of six first-year medical students are assigned to a faculty coach and clinical microsystem for 17 months, where they participate one half-day per week to learn patient care skills,…