Hager, Pharm.D. BCACP
University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy Duluth
Keri Hager, Pharm.D., BCACP is an Associate Professor at the University of Minnesota (UMN) where she focuses on preparing the future workforce for collaborative team-based patient-centered primary care. Dr. Hager facilitates several UMN core interprofessional activities and leads the Interprofessional Minnesota PrimAry Care Team (IMPACT). Her current focus is on team collaboration in the clinical learning environment, and she has recently published on pharmacist, physician, and behavioral health collaboration in a family medicine training program. Dr. Hager is currently pursuing an interprofessional practice opportunity connecting patients with opioid use disorder with comprehensive medication management.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description:
Interprofessional teamwork is a critical component of high quality and safe medical care (IOM, 2004; CLER, 2017), yet many graduate and post-graduate training programs struggle to incorporate interprofessional didactic experiences that specifically build team skills. Presenters will share their experience and outcomes over the past 5 years at the University of Minnesota in designing and implementing a required interprofessional workshop for trainees in pediatrics, medicine, family medicine, pharmacy, and nurse practitioner programs designed to help prepare a patient-…