Emily Borman-Shoap, MD
University of Minnesota

Dr. Emily Borman-Shoap is the Program Director for the Pediatric Residency Program and Vice Chair for Education. She also works as a general pediatrician at the Fairview Children’s Clinic and at the University of Minnesota Masonic Children’s Hospital. Her clinical interests include providing a healthcare home for children with complex healthcare needs, and preventive care for children of all ages. In her teaching role, she focuses on innovation and teamwork, including implementing an interprofessional workshop, creative curricular solutions that emphasize longitudinal relationships, competency-based assessments, and community engagement during residency training.

Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description: Interprofessional teamwork is a critical component of high quality and safe medical care (IOM, 2004; CLER, 2017), yet many graduate and post-graduate training programs struggle to incorporate interprofessional didactic experiences that specifically build team skills. Presenters will share their experience and outcomes over the past 5 years at the University of Minnesota in designing and implementing a required interprofessional workshop for trainees in pediatrics, medicine, family medicine, pharmacy, and nurse practitioner programs designed to help prepare a patient-…