Collins, PhD, DNSc., APRN, ANP-BC, GNP
Barry University
Dr. Cynthia Collins PhD, DNSc., APRN, ANP-BC, GNP is an Associate Professor and the Director of Curricular Innovation and Accreditation in the College of Nursing and Health Sciences, at Barry University in Miami, Florida. As an Adult and Geriatic Nurse Practitioner, she has practiced as a primary care provider for over 25 years. Dr Collins is an experienced educator of advanced practice nurses at the MSN, DNP and PhD levels. She has been an innovator and consultant for Adult/Geriatric healthcare programs across a variety of Universities, as well as the National Center for Health and Human Services, Divison of Nursing, a Supervisory Nurse Consultant to Federal Healthcare Programs and Clinics, and a decorated veteran of the United States Air Force Nurse Corps. Additionally, she has delivered over 70 professional presentations and workshops, journal articles, and book chapters. Her areas of research include health promotion and familial support for an aging population, as well as curriculum development and evaluation for interprofessional health care studies.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Are advanced practice nurses, physician assistants, physicians, social workers and other primary health care providers overlooking a potential resource when developing a plan of care for community-dwelling elderly? Within the current context of an aging population, men can no longer be considered bystanders as caregivers to their aging parents. Emerging international family research has indicated that there is a growing trend for adult sons to assume some responsibility for the health care needs of their aging parents. This presentation explores select literature from multiple countries that…