Courtney Gillotte, MA
Nebraska Medicine Office of Health Professions Education
Courtney Gillotte, MA is an instructional designer in the Nebraska Medicine Office of Health Professions Education (OHPE). Professionally, Ms. Gillotte spent over ten years as a collegiate lecturer with a focus on small group communication, public speaking anxiety, and adult-centered curriculum development. Her career also includes experience in corporate training, consulting, and project management. She brings all of these skills into her current role as an instructional designer at Nebraska Medicine, where she focuses on optimizing learning design and outcomes, institution-wide Zero Harm training, and the Clinical Learning Environment.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description and Learning Objectives:1) Introductions and review of CLE measurement and optimization at Nebraska Medicine2) Using “Think-Pair-Share” to prompt individual reflection and feedback from near-peers regarding CLE measurement. Develop a shared mental model about what it means to measure the CLE through frame of reference training. Individual facilitators assigned to individual small groups. Participants write down an immediate next step on action plan worksheet. (Objective #1 and #3) 3) Provide example CLE data to participants who then use “Think-Pair-Share” to prompt…