Feltman, Pharm D
Regis University
Dr. Christine Feltman graduated with her PharmD in 2005 from the University of Colorado, and has been passionate about community pharmacy practice and academia ever since. Currently, she is an Associate Professor and Director of Experiential Education at Regis University, School of Pharmacy. Her current teaching includes pharmacy practice expectations, immunizations training, case presentations and professional development within the curriculum. In addition, she maintains a position on the board of directors for the Colorado Pharmacist Society and is the faculty advisor for the American Pharmacists Association (APhA). Her research interests include immunizations, leadership education in the curriculum and interprofessional education.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: The US department of Health and Human Services calls for improved healthcare access for individuals experiencing opioid abuse and utilization of multidisciplinary team models. [1] Individuals with substance abuse disorder may have difficulty accessing services due to healthcare provider stigma. [2] Medical students who received structured education about substance abuse, and/or experienced direct contact with individuals with substance abuse disorders had significant improvements in comfort level and attitudes towards this patient population. [2] Interprofessional education (IPE…