Lulai, M.A., CCC-SLP
University of Minnesota
Rebecca Lulai, M.A., CCC-SLP is the Director of Clinical Programs in Speech-Language Pathology in the Department of Speech-Language-Hearing Sciences at the University of Minnesota. She has worked in clinical education since 2006 as a clinical supervisor and Voice Banking Project Lead at the Julia M. Davis Speech-Language-Hearing Center on the University of Minnesota campus. Prior to joining higher education, she worked clinically in a variety of settings including public schools, hospitals, private practice, and outpatient clinics. She holds a license in Speech-Language Pathology from the MN Department of Health and a Certificate of Clinical Competence from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Background: Though the field of interprofessional education (IPE) is growing in its research and peer-reviewed literature, there remains a lack of best-practice recommendations for IPE content and delivery. To address this gap, the Health Professions Accreditors Collaborative and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education recommended recently, that quality IPE experiences possess four distinct characteristics. However, because the development and implementation of such activities can be a challenge, the dissemination of successful IPE models that include these…