University of California San Francisco School of Nursing
Professor Angel Kuo is a Clinical Professor and Vice Chair of the Department of Family Health Care Nursing at University of California San Francisco (UCSF). She is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in pediatric urology and a member of the Academy of Medical Educators at UCSF. Professor Kuo serves as the Nursing Faculty Lead for Program in Interprofessional Practice and Education as well as the Co-Chair of the IPE Curriculum Working Group. She actively engages in preceptor and faculty development, and participates on multiple HRSA training grants with a focus on interprofessional education and practice.
Presenting at the Nexus Summit:
Workshop Description:
The goal to prepare healthcare professionals to communicate and collaborate effectively across professions is widely endorsed, but achieving this goal in real time in the clinical learning environment requires educators who can skillfully coach communication and collaboration on the fly, including addressing challenging issues such as group dynamics, hierarchy, and mutual respect. This workshop will provide participants with strategies and skills to identify and capitalize on interprofessional (IP) teachable moments across clinical, simulated and/or classroom settings.…