2019: A Banner Year for IPE . . . .

Christine Arenson, AIHC Chair 
Barbara Brandt, National Center Director
January 24, 2019

2019 marks a year of opportunities in interprofessional practice and education (IPE) – new regional conferences, IPEC Institutes for leaders, growing resources in practice, the new Interprofessional Global effort.  With all of the opportunities and announcements, we understand why someone would ask why the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC) and the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education (National Center) are hosting two meetings this year.  Let’s say it’s an unusual year, and here is the background story. 


In 2007, the Collaborating Across Borders (CAB) conference started at the University of Minnesota when the newly formed Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative (CIHC) approached U.S. collaborators to co-sponsor a meeting on the newly re-energized field of interprofessional education and collaborative practice. At the time, the U.S. collaborators thought it was a one-time event and never dreamed that it would grow into its own acronym, “CAB” or become an every other year international meeting hosted back and forth between Canada and the United States. 


In 2009, a group of American colleagues committed to IPE fostered an organization in the U.S. called the American Interprofessional Health Collaborative (AIHC).  AIHC has grown and is now a dynamic, community of leaders, educators and health professionals who know that when we work in effective teams, care and learning are better, satisfaction increases and patient outcomes improve.


In 2012, the National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education was founded through a peer review process as a public-private partnership to advance the field by providing the leadership, evidence and resources needed to guide the nation on the use of interprofessional education and collaborative practice as a way to enhance the experience of health care, improve population health and reduce the overall cost of care. In 2016, the National Center expanded its annual network meeting to attract those in the U.S. interested in working on the wicked problems of IPE through action- and results-oriented strategies.


AIHC and the National Center have always been close collaborators.  Through that collaboration, AIHC is now the professional community of the National Center. Together, we inspire colleagues and create opportunities to come together, learn and grow. Our work, grounded in our experience and expertise, is resulting in positive change that will accelerate the alignment of education and health care transformation during the next decade.


This year, in 2019, both organizations are hosting their signature events in the United States.  AIHC and the National Center have planned together to ensure the programming and experiences offered through the meetings will meet the diverse needs and interests of stakeholders across practice and education.  We invite you to learn more about both opportunities by visiting the conference websites. 




Nexus Summit 2019
Optimizing the Interprofessional Clinical Learning Environment: Better Care, Better Value, Better Education
August 18-20, 2019



Collaborative Across Borders VII
Crossroads of Collaboration
October 20-23, 2019


We hope this short history helps all with an interest in advancing interprofessional practice and education find the learning opportunities that best meet their needs.  We look forward to seeing you in 2019!